Obrera; Obreros; Obreras
= factory worker, worker, workman [workmen, -pl.], factory hand, proletarian.
Nota: Nombre y adjetivo.
Ex: To overcome these, libraries should remember that aesthetic education is an essential part of the education of workers; particular attention should be paid to work with youth, factory and agricultural workers.
Ex: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with mudpies, leprechauns, senior power, red power, the Chinese New Year, prisoners" rights, and workers" control.
Ex: Visitors would laugh at the workman's jerking and whirling with the mould, but that was where the skill lay.
Ex: Until the mid nineteen hundreds, this community presented an almost feudal pattern of wealthy merchants and factory hands, with several gradations between these extremes.
Ex: Factory libraries were important in the development of a proletarian readership.
* abeja obrera = worker bee.
* obrero agrícola = agricultural labourer.
* obrero de la casa = stab hand.
* obrero de la construcción = construction worker.
* obrero manual = blue collar worker.
* obrero metalúrgico = metalworker.
* obrero no manual = white collar worker.
* obrero portuario = longshoreman [longshoremen, -pl.].
* obreros = shop floor.
* obrero sacador = vatman [vatmen, -pl.].
* relativo a los obreros no manuales = white collar.